What Men Live By

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"-Matthew 4:4

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Benefits of Laughter

I thank my God every time I remember you.
-Philippians 1:3

I was browsing through a magazine on my long bus ride back home. Then I came across an article on laughing. I found out that Joel and a few other friends did not joke about laughter clubs. There are actually 5,000 laughter clubs in 40 countries, which includes Singapore. However, I'm not the leader of this club. haha... Dr Madan Kataria, an Indian doctor began this worldwide laughter movement.

This gives me more reason to laugh often. hahaha... Let me, the "laughing queen", "principal" (literally translated from chinese words- laughing leader), "hyena" or "cartoon", see how true is this to me.

BOOST IMMUNITY. Studies have found that when you laugh, it cranks up your immunity. Laughter makes your natural killer cells more active, making your body more resistant to viruses as well as cancer. Levels of disease-fighting antibodies are raised. (Erm... My dad always nags at me for having weak body resistance =P boost immunity? )

REFRESHES YOUR BODY. When you laugh, your lungs take in more oxygen and this improves circulation to your main organs, such as your kidneys. (haha… my lungs sure take in more oxygen, I can hardly breath if I laugh too much and having flu at the same time)

LOWERS LEVEL OF STRESS HORMONES. Laughter suppresses stress hormones. Stress is linked to more than 70 per cent of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and gastric problems. (Haha… how can you be stressed when you are laughing?)

RELEASES FEEL-GOOD HORMONES. Endorphins are natural painkillers which create a sense of well-being. (Erm… I feel my body aching when I laugh too much, muscle ache, especially on the cheeks and stomach =P)

FIGHTS DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY. When you laugh, serotonin, a natural anti-depressant, is activated. (Guess this is true, how can you be worried about something and feeling depressed and at the same time LAUGHING?)

DEFUSES ANGER AND TENSION. Try being angry with someone who’s making you laugh. (hahaha… I tried, being angry, but I failed! I ended up rolling over the place laughing to tears. Thesis proven true. )

ATTRACTS THE OPPOSITE SEX. Women find men who make them laugh very appealing. (???!!! *stunned, disbelieving) Is it? Haha… *shakes head* =P)

BRINGS YOU JOY. Joy, which is different from happiness, is the sensation of enjoyment even in the presence of life’s problems. (Laughing doesn’t bring me joy… Jesus brings me joy! I laugh because I’m happy or amused. *singlish* Aiyo!)

-- Findings brought by SimplyHer January 07


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